Friday, April 03, 2009

Friday Funny

Seems like every Friday my schedule gets disheveled & I'm unable to make some "creative fun". I'll be sure to fit that in this weekend though. In the meantime, here's a funny:

Tatiana: Can I have some chocolate milk, Mom?

me: Sure. Get out the stuff & I'll make it for you.

Tatiana: {gets out necessary ingredients} I made a nice display for you, Mom.

me: ???

Tatiana: You case you want to post about it on your blog.

And here's the evidence:

Guess that falls under the "you-know-you're-a-blogger-when" category. Hope you enjoy some good laughs this weekend!


Stephanie said...

How funny!!

Thanks Tatiana~you made me smile! :-)

Saralyn said...

Totally off the subject, but I've been meaning to ask you how your homemade laundry detergent's been working for ya. Post, please?

Peaceful Chaoz said...

LOL, thats so cute! :0)