The condition for a miracle is difficulty, however the condition for a great miracle is not difficulty, but impossibility.I think we definitely meet the condition for the second one! I use this phrase now that we are "praying for the impossible, but planning for the probable". We know that God is fully capable of miracles, but we also know that those may not look like what we expect or that He may choose not to do them for His purposes. There are times when I feel like I don't have enough faith to even ask for one. Just yesterday I told Rick that it feels like that mustard seed might as well be the size of a watermelon. Even so, Oh, what I wouldn't give to have Him do a great miracle for Olivia!
Much love,

P.S. Another precious family has just received a diagnosis of Trisomy 18. She found me and commented on my last blog post. Please pray for them and/or send them kind words at her blog:
praying for the impossible and for his comfort if he brings the probable.
I am so sorry for this frightening diagnosis. My son Jordan was diagnosed prenatally with Trisomy 18 back in 2004, he was born alive in March of 2005 and lived for an amazing 32 hours and 7 minutes. You can read about Jordan's precious life at
you can contact me by email from either of those sites. Your daughter is precious and the time you have with her will bless you more than you can ever imagine. Each tiny kick is a gift.
Becki, I have not talked to you in so long but Alicia emailed me and gave me your blog and I haven't stopped crying since I began reading this. My heart goes out to Olivia who is fighting to live for her family that wants and needs her so much. I have no words but only know that its His truth that can carry you through this trying time. I will pray, and when its hard to have faith remember there are so many out there who are having faith for you and your family. All the love and prayers will be there to comfort you that so many are standing with you and trusting. God is an amazing God who can do anything!! Never lose site of that.
This is my first time to your blog. I found your comment on Kristy's blog today and just had to come and let you know I will be praying for you and Olivia. I have a tender spot in my heart for Trisomy babies and I have watched God work in each of these families lives just as He is working in yours now. I encourage you to just love on your daughter with all of your hearts, she is a gift of God. He does not make mistakes and Olivia's life is precious. I will be praying for you in the days and weeks ahead. I believe in miracles and I have seen Him do many in His own way and I am praying for one here.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
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