I have been struggling with high blood pressure this pregnancy, which I have never had a problem with before. I finally had to be put on medication last week for the duration of the pregnancy & praise God that the medication is working! I test myself a few times a week with an at-home blood pressure cuff. The doctors would ask me at every visit if I worked outside the home & if I was under a lot of stress. STRESS? That would be an understatement, but I don't think they have enough time during those visits to listen to my story!

After a routine 20 week ultrasound revealed a smaller than average baby, we had a follow-up ultrasound this Tuesday at 24 weeks. Unfortunately, the growth lag has increased. I am concerned, but trying not to worry. My OB called me personally today to give me the results and has decided to send me to a high-risk pregnancy hospital {probably Lutheran General} for evaluation, necessary testing, and additional ultrasound(s). I keep telling myself that I am in the loving and capable hands of my Great Physician, but at other moments I wonder if I can really handle one more thing.
I consider it a privilege to be able to share this with my dear readers and to ask to you to pray for me & our daughter. As always, I would love to lift YOU up in prayer, if there is anything you need. You can always email me privately through the link in my sidebar.

Congratulations! I knew what you meant as soon as I saw the "Think Pink." I'm very sorry to hear about the HBP. I will be praying for you. Btw...when are we getting together? My life has imploded but I really do want to come out and visit or have you guys over for dinner sometime soon. I'll send you an email!
Another girl! YAY! Sienna is so sweet praying for a sister and giving credit where it's due. :-)
I will definitely be praying for your high blood pressure and for new baby GIRL to grow in God's perfect way!
((praying)) CONGRATS!!! Girls are the BEST!
Congratulations! May the glory of God shine brightly through you in this new "opportunity" for grace.
My daughter was also itty-bitty at the halfway mark and we saw a high-risk prenatal dr. But, oh my, how things can change in 20 short weeks! When she was born she was 9lb 3oz!
Happy for you! You will be in my prayers. Keep us posted.
Yay, Sienna! I'll be praying and call me if you need to talk. :)
praying for you! let me know how i can help in any way!! :0)
Thanks to all you great gals! I *so* appreciate all the kind words, encouragement, & prayers.
@Andrea: Sorry about your implosion! Yes, email me so we can get together!
@Saralyn: Your personal story means so much to me. I'm praying that all this is nothing & our little girl will grow, grow, grow ~ although, smaller than 9# would be nice :>)
Thoughts and prayers mama. I've had 3 IUGR babies (intruterine growth restriction), and all 3 are now completely healthy and normal children. I know it's very scary, but I hope you get a wonderful perinatologist. If you were in the Louisville area I would refer you to mine because he is AMAZING. Congratulations on another girl, and I'll keep you in my prayers!
I should also add that sometimes things that seem "major" to a regular OB are pretty much small issues to a high risk OB. That was the case as you know with Kellyn and Kiara(although I would like to think that God had alot to do with it too!)
If nothing else you will get to spend some more time looking at your baby on the monitor!!! Which for me was always a highlight!
@Mika: Thanks for your comment! It's always encouraging to hear personal stories & how your babies turned out healthy :>)
@Erin: I'm trying not to worry too much & just tell myself that it's probably "nothing". Thanks for the reminder about the regular vs. high-risk OBs & I always enjoy seeing the baby on the monitor too!
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