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So, now that I've learned more about using coupons, my new limit for cereal is $1/box, unless it is something really special, like Kashi. This good cereal deal on Malt-O-Meal falls into my new guidelines. Malt-O-Meal is kind of a generic brand of some popular cereals like Cheerios, Fruit Loops, Lucky Charms, etc. It was rumored that Wally World carried Malt-O-Meal cereal bags on rollback for 2/$2, but I've been unable to find it there. Supposedly there are boxes of it as well at WM, but I didn't have a chance to look & price it out {anyone?}. Meijer carries this product at a standard price of $1.99 per bag. This $1.50 coupon doesn't expire until 8/31/2008. So print yourself some {use more than one computer if you have to} & the next time you go by a Meijer, pick up some 50-cent cereal. There is also a $1 off coupon which would still be a good deal at $1 a bag. Don't like all the sugar for your kiddos? Give it to your local food bank!
Edited to add: I found the cereal at a local Super WM today in a bin in a main aisle near the groceries. It was $1. I had one $1.50 coupon and two $1 off coupons, so I earned 50 cents overage for three bags. Sweet!
P.S. Just wanted to mention that is a which I can never get to print in Firefox. I always have to use my back-up IE. YMMV.
The WM on State in Rockford has the small bags of cereal in a bin by the check-outs, for a dollar.
Melissa :)
Cheap cereal...not very good.
Way to be frugal! I think some of the Malt-O-Meal brand cereals are better than their name brands. I like their version of Cherios is much better. I don't feel like I've had breakfast unless I eat a bowl of cereal with milk.
We like the Malt-O-Meal cereal too, especially the plain cheerios. That's actually what my kids had for breakfast this morning. But, I figured it up before and the bigger bags were cheaper per ounce. So, even with the coupons, yes, I'm paying more than $1 when I buy them, but in the long run, it's still saving me money because the huge bags last us usually 3-4 weeks. Where the small bags that you could get for a $1 might last us a week. And it's still cheaper per unit. Make sense? Just a thought.
Thanks Melissa!
Anonymous: For some families, it's either cheap or not at all. For us, it's mostly for the kids as a quick breakfast or snack on the go. They seem to love it!
Mon: I love cereal too! Especially on hurried mornings!
Steph: Were you referring to my price limit of $1/box? I understand the "cheaper per unit" thing & even with coupons sometimes it is better to buy "the bigger one". In this case, free is free ;>)
Cereal is cereal to me... cheap or not! Anonymous needs to get off his (or her, but yeah right) high horse!
Yes, free is free. But I was referring to the $1 price limit per box. Just in general, coupon or not, I buy based on what's cheaper per unit.
And we eat a LOT of cereal, so the more the better. :-)
Ok, Steph. Now I know what you meant!! I guess I am not used to buying really huge bags of cereal, just the average-ish sized box, so that's what I was referring to by a $1 limit. Do you have it figured all the way to cost per ounce or do you usually just buy the malt-o-meal anyways?? Thanks for your input! We frugal gals {and guys if they're out there} gotta stick together :>)
I almost *always* just automatically buy malt-o-meal cereal. (It is VERY rare for me to buy anything else!) My kids love it and eat it just as good as any other cereal. And some of the flavors, I like *better* than name brand. In *several* of the big bags we have purchased before, there were coupons for that brand in the bag. So, I buy the huge bags using the provided coupons that they give out. And the one huge bag usually lasts us 3-4 weeks. It just makes more sense for our cereal intake :-)
I didn't spell check my comment very well, but I guess everyone knew what I meant.
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