Friday, October 02, 2009

Trisomy 21

Lately I have found myself thinking a lot about Trisomy 21 and wishing Olivia had IT, instead of Trisomy 18. What would she be like, what would our life be like, if only the 21st chromosome were affected instead of the 18th? Do you know the common name for Trisomy 21?

Down Syndrome.

Is it a coincidence that out of the last handful of books that I have read, two of them (The Memory Keeper's Daughter & Just Beyond the Clouds) have centered around children/people affected by down syndrome? I have been privileged to read about the special lives that that T21 families lead, like Emmie and Bennett , and I've followed a journey through the NICU for Fiesty Kaelyn. For some strange reason, more and more, I am feeling a kinship with families like those and others who have been touched by Down's. Maybe because, although Olivia is in heaven, our lives were touched by a Trisomy, albeit not the exact same one. In honor of October being Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I've added a button to the sidebar of my blog. If you feel so inclined to raise awareness, you can add one to yours too, but visiting this post. Stop by some of the families I've mentioned and show them some love too!


Monica said...

I know I was relieved when the doc was trying to explain and told me that it was not down's. Then just wishing it was. I have read the memory keepers daughter, I need to read the other one!

Stephanie said...

There are several families on the adoption webboard I'm on that have adopted or are in the process of adopting children with down syndrome. The more I hear the moms' stories and hear their passion for their children, I find myself more drawn to them.

Stephanie said...

Becki your the best, thank you so much!!!!Thank you for acknowledging this special month and embracing our kids.
You don't know how many times I asked God the same thing. Why couldn't your Olivia have T21. Becki you simply amaze me, I am honored to know you. I hope we can meet in person one day. Huge hugs to you!!

ds.mama said...

Becki, I just found your blog. What a beautiful and touching post.

Mrs. Mother said...

I remember wishing the same thing when we found out Jenna had Trisomy 18. I still wish that, because more than likely, she would still be here with us.

Tara said...

How sweet you are to highlight our amazing kids in the midst of your grief. We ARE incredibly blessed by T21. I'm glad you feel drawn to our never know what God has in store.

Faith said...

I just saw your blog because Stephanie linked to you. I'm not sure if you have seen this or not but if you like Ds then you'll love what they are doing over at
International adoption of children with Ds (and other special needs) that are facing institutionalization.

Rebecca said...

What great support for such a wonderful cause, girls!

@(s)tephanie: YES!! I hope we can meet one day too!!

@Faith: YES. I have actually checked that out before :>)

chadandnikki said...

When we were waiting for the results of the CVS, I was ready to hear Trisomy 21. I wanted that to be the diagnosis, instead of Trisomy 18. These very special children are so precious and sweet. I've thoroughly enjoyed getting the privilege of meeting other Trisomy moms.

Anonymous said...

Here is some additional information about the "genetics" of this condition that was written by our Genetic Counselor and other genetic professionals: I hope it helps. Thanks, AccessDNA