Wednesday, March 18, 2009

WFMW: Bedroom Door Lock

Hubs & I decided that all parents should have a locking bedroom door for, reasons. Upon determining that we wanted one, we didn't want to actually go buy one. *Insert frugal solution here!* Our master bathroom DID have a lock on it and since only Hubs and I use that bathroom, it really wasn't too critical to have the lock. So we performed a switch-a-roo and in about 15 minutes changed our bedroom door lockset for the bathroom one. So, if you don't have a locking bedroom door, you might be able to "shop" in your own home for "new" door knob.

Visit We are THAT Family for more Works for Me Wednesday!


Rebecca said...

Very ingenious! I love "shopping" in my own house. Now, use that lock!!! ;O

Peaceful Chaoz said...

Great idea!

Thankfully we have one! LOL I'll have to ask you if you have any ideas on something else though, just remind me and tell me it had something to do with this post! ;0)

Erin said...

Ewwww...secret sex comments....

Anonymous said...

We sooo need a lock on our door. I think we're going for the cheap slide lock above the knob. It has to work better than dh's bowling shoe stuffed under the door. ;-)

Peaceful Chaoz said...

No secret, just didn't want to make anyone who doesn't feel as free to speak and listen in this area gag ;0)

Anonymous said...

great idea! We've done the same thing. We actually had a closet door that had a lock...? so we switched it with a bedroom door handle that didn't. :)