Thursday, November 01, 2007

Patient Update

Thanks to everyone for your prayers. My patient is doing well. He is in moderate discomfort and has basically just been sitting in the same place since we returned home this afternoon. And for the record: NO, this was not a vasectomy! He should be feeling much better by tomorrow & I will continue to help him regain his health over the next few days. Praise God that everything went smoothly & that there were not any complications. Please pray for my own strength and patience as we all know how difficult it can be {sometimes} to care for un-well husbands!


Beth said...

How'd your patient do over the weekend? Is he back to work tomorrow?

Rebecca said...

My patient is doing well! Thank you for asking. He is driving and walking fine and feeling almost back to normal. He will be going back to work tomorrow {good thing} since he doesn't have any personal time left to take. He has to go for a follow up visit & is not allowed to exercise for 3 weeks, but after that he should be back to his 100%.

{{Phew. We're both glad that's over!}}

Beth said...

Glad to hear!