Sunday, March 11, 2007

Even the Best Laid Plans....

....go awry. I had all these high hopes about house cleaning. {And house cleaning is definitely not near the top of my "Things I Enjoy Doing" list.} I was going to start with the kitchen. I even looked up a kitchen spring cleaning plan {which I still will use when the time is right}. Then my part-part-time job started again, with less time to complete my work than usual. My freezer stash was also rapidly dwindling. Throw in a cheerleading scrapbook that I've been helping my cousin with & the biggest wrench of all, a neck injury, and all my plans went out the window. I don't know how it happened, but one morning I woke up with a really stiff neck. I thought it was just body aches from the cold I had at the same time, but things only progressively got worse. I couldn't even turn my head. And then there was the chronic pinching/pulling pain. I found myself staring at a leftover Vicodin prescription wondering if I shouldn't just take one. I am not a big medicator though. Needless to say, I couldn't even keep up with the day-to-day housework, let alone some big cleaning endeavors. I am still not fully healed, but well on my way to recovery. Tatiana & I will be venturing into the City tomorrow so I can have another massage therapy treatment. She is well-versed in mass transit, but I think for a child, it is something that never quite loses its magic. So, spring cleaning is still on my to-do list, but I guess I will have to wait to begin until at least next week. Who knows? Maybe somehow this week I can squeeze in time to clean out a junk drawer or two. {Yeah, I know. Who else has TWO junk drawers??} I also have big plans for refinishing a used dresser, putting all Tatiana's clothes in it & putting a free new mattress in her trundle to use as a guest bed. My deadline for that will be March 29th when my niece and sister-in-law will be having their quarterly sleepover at our house. It will motivate me to git 'er done. What is on your March to do list? Spring cleaning? Projects?

1 comment:

Beth said...

Funny you should mention cleaning...I have been tearing apart my house these past two weeks, organizing, straightening, cleaning. Today my project was the laundry room. I have gotten all of the closets organized and cleaned except for the closet in the entry way. I am actually looking into renting a dumpster because for once in my life I want to throw A LOT of stuff away. Anyone know of where to get one and prices? I figured I better get a head start before the "nesting" begins because then I will really be bad.