Thursday, September 23, 2010

the Easy button

Sometimes the only way out is through.

How many times in life do we just wish we had an Easy button? Press it and POOF! You are on the other side of the trial, obstacle, or difficult season. I know I have. I remember early on after losing Olivia and being in constant emotional pain, my mom wanted to do something, anything, just to have me feel better. Something to just stop the torrent of grief and pain. She was even willing to pay my way on a vacation, bless her heart, if it meant that I would feel better. But in grief, just like in many difficulties, the only way out is through.

There have been times when I've come along willingly on this journey. There have been other times when I have proverbially kicked and screamed my way through each day. I don't think I will ever learn to embrace suffering or trials, but I do think I can embrace whatever God wants to teach me along the way. Had I pressed that Easy button, I would've missed it. I would've missed my heart becoming more compassionate. I would've missed all the opportunities to share my heart with other broken-hearted people. I would've missed depending on Him like ever before. I would've missed the confidence that comes with knowing that He can get me through.

Because sometimes the only way out is through. And I know that it is just as true for you as it is for me.


Stephanie said...

Becki, your words are a message from God! seriously since I've been following you... over a year now?

I know you're writing for you but the words are always what I need to hear!

From Gods lips to your posts to my ears!!!

always in my prayers!!! Hugs

Jeana said...

I love this, thanks for the great perspective in this post. It is so true. I have a friend that just lost her little girl around 31 weeks, I sent her here to hopefully help her get THROUGH this very difficult time. her blog is