Friday, January 23, 2009

When One Store Closes.....

...another one opens.

Isn't that how the saying goes? *grin*

I was only slightly dismayed to find that my local {and when I mean local, I mean the only one within about 15 miles} Blockbuster was closing. Economy, I suppose. I probably spent too much of my meager funds there anyhow, even at only 1 or 2 rentals a month. This means I will have to use more free Redbox codes, as well as my shiny new library card, for DVD rentals. Fine by me!

The opening?

Walgreens! That gets a big WHOOT! WHOOT! from me. I'll be checking out the weekly deals now, in hopes to build my stash of personal care products for free or very little. I'm pretty excited about this one. Not as excited as if it were a CVS {gotta love those ECBS}, but I'll take what I can get.

Both the closing & the opening are great blessings as they will help me improve my finances in '09. Off to look at Walgreens deals now.....


  1. You forgot to mention the incredibly aswesome, so very beautiful bank that opened right next to that Walgreens!! ;o)

  2. Oh yes. It's not that I could easily forget either, since we do our business banking there :>)


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